[Wisdom Nugget] When your days seem to be slipping you by with you doing nothing, it’s time to start holding yourself accountable.
Do you know exactly what you truly want to accomplish each day when you wake up? How do you ever trust yourself to do what is truly wanted to be done if you don’t?
“I’m going to focus on [project]” or “I’m going to make some progress on [task]” isn’t enough. We won’t do any more than we have to when it’s time to serve. We can be trusted to do what we truly want to do, but nothing more. As a result, we truly want details.
The amount of words you’ll compose, the number of calories you’ll drink, and the number of pages you’ll learn are both details. Or the number of meetings you attend. Also, before you get on a phone with someone, you should know exactly what you want to do during the call.
When we write down the details, we will reflect on our day and make ourselves accountable.
We will accurately assess the day’s progress. If we achieve all of our goals, that’s fantastic! If we didn’t, that’s good as well; we’ll just change for the next day.
What isn’t fine is starting the day without a reasonable picture of what you truly want to accomplished, “working” all day with maybe less than an hour of real constructive action, and then ending the day with no overall idea of how much progress was made against your larger objectives.
Simply read the paragraph above for the TLDR.
As a result, before you go to bed, I recommend that you start making a schedule for the next day, complete with goals. This way, when you wake up, you’ll be ready to go. Simply introducing this one pattern would give your life a rewarding positive pace.