The Indisputable Reason Why it is Optimal to Level Up Your Life in this Order v.2021–04
Suppose you segment Life into the following Categories:
- Physical
- Intellectual
- Emotional
- Character
- Spiritual
- Romantic
- Parenting
- Social
- Career
- Financial
- Quality of Life
- Life Vision
- Let’s call the n-th category Cn, and so on.
- Let’s score Category X 100% when there is nothing left to be optimised.
- Let’s define m% to be the minimally viable level.
- It’s self-evident that survival is indispensable.
🅐 Maslow’s Ordering: Physiological, Safety, Belongingness/Love needs, Esteem Needs, Self-Actualisation
Direct ProofSuppose the pysiological needs are not, the person is cannot survive immediately self-evidently. To derisk from being hurt or killed, Safety needs must then be met. Let's now assume that the person is psychotic, otherwise, levelling up doesn't yield any benefit. Fulfillment can now be a reliable measure that Life is getting more and more optimal. Imagine a non-psychotic person who has prestige and feeling of accomplishment but no friends or intimate relationship, this is implausible. So, Belonging has to come before Esteem. Imagine a non-psychotic person who has realised his full potential but doesn't have self-esteem, this is implausible. So, Esteem has to come before Self-Actualisation.QED
- Physical (Physiological, let’s call this Maslow-1, or simply M1a)
- Intellectual (M1c)
- Emotional (M1b; to derisk suicide)
- Character (M4a)
- Spiritual (M5c)
- Romantic (M3b)
- Parenting (M3c)
- Social (M3a)
- Career (M5a)
- Financial (M2; for a safety net)
- Quality of Life (a pleasant home environment and the like; M4b arguably)
- Life Vision (M5b)
TK to be continued.