The Ultimate Guide to Getting a Developer Job in Europe v.2021–04
🌿 FreeCodeCamp: JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures
🌿 Credit and Counterparty Risk Management (CCRM) Certificate
🌿 Create a blog dedicated to learning to program. The lower the friction, the better, e.g. Medium,, even Tumblr if only just to get started.
🌿 Showcase “real” work. I recommend starting with imitating a basic timer/tracker app and get it released in Google Play Store.
🌿 courses on Data Structures and JavaScript fundamentals and the Overview Courses.
🌿 Inspiring Story A: I have a friend who went from being a librarian who knew nothing about programming to becoming a web developer at Deutsche Bank getting 650€ a day in under six months using FreeCodeCamp.
🌿 Inspiring Story B: I have a friend called Helene K. who went from being a legal clerk to being a front end developer in under nine months by using FreeCodeCamp and a few 3 months at a university during C19.