It has often been said that wisdom is the path to true happiness, and it’s easy to see why. While it’s true that luck and chance can bring us temporary joy, real and lasting happiness is best achieved through a combination of effort, ambition, and, above all, wisdom.
The first step in achieving lasting happiness is understanding the power of pride. A sense of pride in one’s accomplishments and abilities can motivate us to strive for greater things. But ambition and motivation alone will not guarantee success — effort must also be applied.
This is where wisdom comes into play. Effort without wisdom leads to unpredictable outcomes; however, when combined with ambition and motivation, the skilful effort can be achieved — a sure path to success. And when we experience success — whether big or small — it brings us joy and a sense of satisfaction which yields long-term happiness.
So while luck may bring us momentary pleasure, true contentment lies in using our wisdom to put forth effort towards our ambitions and goals. This combination is a sure path to success and, ultimately, lasting happiness.
In Propositional Logic
1. W → P // Wisdom leads to pride, as someone wise can take pride in their knowledge and understanding.
2. P → A & M // Pride fosters ambition and motivation, giving a person confidence and the drive to push for greater success.
3. A & M → E // Ambition and motivation lead to effort, as those feelings inspire someone to take action towards their goals.
4. A & M & W → SE // When ambition, motivation and wisdom are combined, they lead to skilful effort — the kind of effort informed by experience and strategy.
5. SE→ S // Skilful effort leads to success, as it is focused on achieving the desired outcome in an efficient manner.
6. Therefore, W→S // By extension, wisdom leads to success, as wisdom informs the skilful effort that leads to success.
7. W→H // Finally, wisdom also leads to happiness, as achieving one’s goals is a source of great joy and satisfaction.