The Four Cardinal Virtues
❶ Prudence/Practical Wisdom: Understanding (of Frameworks such as NVC; needs and feelings of humanity)
❷ Justice/Charity: Valuing others’ needs
❸ Fortitude/Courage: Actual implementation of the optimal strategy while tolerating some degree of pain/anxiety/uncertainty (to maximise the need for Meaning via living a virtuous life)
❹ Temperance: not prioritise Ease over other needs
Quotes by Seneca
❶ It is the power of the mind to be unconquerable.
What does that mean?
- When something is conquered, it is no longer free.
- Seneca proposes that the mind can always be free.
- Of course, this would break down if I inject, even Seneca, with psychoactive drugs.
- So, let’s add this caveat, Seneca proposes that a sane mind can always be free (to choose its thought and system of logic).
- Is this true? Where is the evidence?
- Let’s define sane to be “reasonable”.
- Let’s also consider “free will”, the ability to act at one’s own discretion.
- So, given free will and mental health, it is the power of the mind to be unconquerable.
Suppose the opposite and it is not a power of the mind to be unconquerable.