🚪 Pre-CheckIn
- 🔥 My ONE thing (priority) for today is: (Put my UK phone on Airplane mode 2+ hours cumulative by 18:00 UK)
- 🎯 Next Action: ADT Investigation by 15:59 UK
- I’m here. I hear you.
- 🔭 I look forward to debriefing with you at the end with inspiring progress
- 🙋♂️ I enjoy seeing messages like “Keep up the good work, “You are focussed”, “You look distracted” from time to time; I am fully aware that we are here to focus 101%, hence please take this as a very, very, very soft request 🕊
- I enjoy muting if it is also harmonious with your need
👩🎤 Checkin
- Namaste 🙏
- My name is Ben, connecting with you from London, which is (cold) & (humid) & (cloudy) today.
- Right now, I feel a bit restless while longing for Harmony & Focus…
- (Summary Below)
- I enjoy muting if it is also harmonious with your need
- How about you? Would you enjoy sharing how you are as a human being and your intention for this session?
- I invite us to mute and chat at the end
🏃♂️ Session
- :45s
- Review
- :52 WhatsApp/Messenger
📤 Checkout
- I’m (keen) to check out first
- 🎉 I celebrate that I was around (60%) on task… I accomplished (✅ SR;
- 😭 I mourn that (I did not do X)
- 🧘♂️ I check out feeling (grounded) having met my need of (learning & fun )
- (I’m complete)
- ❓ How did you do? Did you manage to make progress that sparks Joy?
- ⏳
- 🙏 I wish you a mindful day. Namaste 🙏
- I wish you a day with the joy of a little child (with a …)
- I intend to (take a break for an hour now) do my next session at (1 pm UK) following my plan.
- I am complete
- I celebrate our session together and our shared progress.
- 🙏 I wish you a joyful and mindful day. Namaste
- (silently/verbally)
- “A lotus for you, a Buddha to be”