🔥Here I prepare Benny Mindfulness Questionnaire
A. Do you pay attention to your bodily sensations when you pee?
B. Do you pay attention to your bodily sensations when you poop?
C. Do you pay attention to your bodily sensations when you drink?
D. Do you pay attention to your bodily sensations when you eat?
5. Very often/always, 4. often 3. sometimes 2. rarely 1. very rarely/never
I hypothesise that this correlates with the Observational Score of Mindfulness.
As of today, A=2; B=2; C=2=; D=2 → Score = 2
The same as the official Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire
I hypothesise that we can effortfully practise our peeing mindfulness to be a more mindful and less procrastinating person.
🌿 When we are truly mindful of our urine, we trace it back throughout our body, we may become mindful of what we drink and sweat; the whole Universe can be interlinked, such is the wisdom of Non-Self as per the Buddha.
// Based on Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (https://goamra.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/FFMQ_full.pdf)