108 Powerful Dyad and Self-Inquiry Meditation Prompts v.2021–03

Ben H
4 min readMar 28, 2021


A: Questions created by Benson

  1. Welcoming Observation-Feeling-Need-Request, what is alive in your right now?
  2. Letting go of anxiety, how is that?
  3. Aligning with your Life Vision, how is that?
  4. Letting go of anxiety, how is that?
  5. Aligning with your Life Vision, how is that?
  6. Feeling that you are good enough, how does life feel like? What are your longings?
  7. Letting go of anxiety, how does life feel like? What are your longings?
  8. Finding peace with feeling powerless, how does life feel like? What are your longings?
  9. Letting go of the obsession with self-improvement, how does life feel like? What are your longings?
  10. Fully obsessed with NVC, how does life feel like? What are your longings?
  11. What is alive in you right now?
  12. Welcoming anxiety, what is alive in you right now?
  13. Welcoming sadness, what is alive in you right now?
  14. Welcoming being upset, what is alive in you right now?
  15. Complete the following sentence: Self-acceptance to me means ____
  16. What makes a fulfilling life?
  17. How does the practice of self-acceptance live in you?
  18. Thinking about Safety via Connection & Connection vs Control, what is alive in you?
  19. How does the practice of consciously living live in you?
  20. How does SPIN live in you?
  21. What makes a meaningful life?
  22. How does the practice of personal integrity live in you?
  23. How does the practice of self-responsibility live in you?
  24. What is your heart longing for at this moment?
  25. If you allow yourself just for a moment to forget who you think you are, what arises?

2. (If) Love is your nature, what is fear?

3. Who do you choose to be?

4. Blessing the two of us with gratitude, what occurs?

1. Being stillness, what is?

2. Embracing life, how are you?

3. Who are you really in there?

2. Open to gratitude, what arises?

  1. How do you celebrate/welcome/relax into observing _____?
  2. negativity
  3. moral judgement
  4. boredom
  5. welcoming all experience
  6. rejection
  7. your
  8. inner jackals
  9. giraffe ears
  10. mistakes
  11. imperfection
  12. being triggered
  13. being distracted
  14. infallibility
  15. sadness
  16. aversion
  17. life
  18. your relationship with your
  19. father
  20. mother
  21. girlfriend
  22. colleagues
  23. friends
  24. How do you see the positive sides of ____?
  25. coronavirus
  26. How do you celebrate (your) fallibility?
  27. How do you coach yourself on _____?
  28. compassion
  29. How do you celebrate (your) imperfection?
  30. How do you celebrate (your) weaknesses?
  31. How does the need for Being Heard live in you?
  32. What is the need of Being Heard whispering to me right now?
  33. How does the need for Clarity live in you?
  34. What is the need of Being Heard whispering to me right now?
  35. How does the need for Acceptance live in you?
  36. How does the need for Gratitude and Efficacy live in you?
  37. Thinking about ____, how do you apply Compassion?
  38. your grandmother
  39. your father
  40. your sister

1. If you allow yourself just for a moment to forget who you think you are, what arises?

2. (If) Love is your nature, what is fear?

3. Who do you choose to be?

4. Blessing the two of us with gratitude, what occurs?

1. Wenn du dir für einen Moment erlaubst zu vergessen, wer du denkst du bist, was taucht auf?

2. (Wenn) Liebe deine Natur ist, was ist Angst?

3. Wen wählst du zu sein?

4. Uns beide mit Dankbarkeit segnen, was taucht auf?

B: Questions from Dyad Meditation

* Where is your attention right now?

* Wo ruht Deine Aufmerksamkeit gerade?

From Susan to Everyone: 06:11 AM

1. Simply letting go, what is?

2. Sensing deeply into your heart-space, what are your longings?

3. Being you, how does life move through you?

4. Being together in a loving presence, how is that?

1. Einfach loslassen, was ist?

2. Tief in dein Herz hineinfühlen, wonach sehnst du dich?

3. Du selbst sein, wie bewegt sich das Leben durch dich?

4. In liebevoller Präsenz zusammensein, wie ist das?


Being in stillness, what emerges?

2. Being in stillness, what emerges?

3a. Welcoming me in you/you in me, what comes alive?

3b. Welcoming us into this present moment, what is your experience of existence?

4. Saying yes to the mystery (of life), what do you give space to?

1. In der Stille sein, was taucht auf? 2x

2. In der Stille sein, was taucht auf? 2x

3a.Mich in dir/dich in mir willkommen heißen, was wird lebendig?

3b. Uns in diesen gegenwärtigen Augenblick willkommen heißen, was ist deine Erfahrung der Existenz?

4. Ja zum Geheimnis (des Lebens) sagen, was erhält Raum in dir?


What part inside you want to be seen right now?

* Where is your attention right now?

* Wo ruht Deine Aufmerksamkeit gerade?

From Susan to Everyone: 06:11 AM

1. Simply letting go, what is?

2. Sensing deeply into your heart-space, what are your longings?

3. Being you, how does life move through you?

4. Being together in a loving presence, how is that?

1. Einfach loslassen, was ist?

2. Tief in dein Herz hineinfühlen, wonach sehnst du dich?

3. Du selbst sein, wie bewegt sich das Leben durch dich?

4. In liebevoller Präsenz zusammensein, wie ist das?

1. Embracing stillness, what arises?

2. Being stillness, what comes alive?

3. Living stillness, how is your life?

4. Stillness, what is?

Who do you want to become?

How do you become that person?



Ben H
Ben H

Written by Ben H

Exploring the intersection of Peace Building,Emotional Health, Nonviolent Communication, Personal Growth, Spirituality, Artificial Intelligence and Technology.

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